Embalmers and Funeral Directors Board
Newfoundland and Labrador

Photography by Elizabeth Stairs
Embalmers and Funeral Directors Board
Provincial Written Exam Overview
75% Legislative which includes the following Acts and Regulations
Embalmers and Funeral Directors Regulations
Prepaid Funeral Services Regulations
Health and Community Services Act
25% Technical which is composed of questions from the following subjects
-Elementary Anatomy including
The structure of the human body
The principal organs, functions and locations
The different circulatory systems and muscles
-Sanitation and Public Health including:
The general disinfection procedures and equipment used in the preparation of bodies for burial
A knowledge of the Public Health Act
The rules and regulations regarding the transportation, interment and disinterment of dead human bodies
The operation of receiving vaults and crematoria
The acceptable procedures for the conduct of funerals
-Pathology, including
The most common communicable diseases
The special treatment that must be given bodies of those who have died of those diseases
-Public Relations and Funeral Procedures